"Telecommunications Officer (TCO) McCenzi McCoy, was the main “Voice” during the Tyler Terry Manhunt last year. May 17, 2021, after dark and in the parking lot of the Bojangles in Richburg, South Carolina, a deputy on patrol noticed a suspicious vehicle parked beside the building and knew the restaurant was already closed for the day. The Deputy called it in to TCO McCenzi McCoy who was monitoring the Sheriff’s Office radio channel. TCO McCoy had only been on her full-time shift for a little over 2 months when she heard a 10-0 (ten-zero) called out over the Sheriff’s Office radio, a pursuit was underway. The initial Deputy was soon joined by backup units that were also in the area. TCO McCoy remained steadfast and exhibited a calm and professional demeanor under the most intense pressure a 911 Telecommunicator can endure. A situation such as this could overwhelm the most seasoned TCO let alone a newcomer to the profession.
As the Deputies continued their pursuit of the suspect at high speeds, the passenger of the suspect’s vehicle began firing at Deputies. One bullet narrowly missing the initial Deputy’s head as it hit directly in the center of the driver’s side windshield and lodged into her driver’s seat headrest. The other Deputies involved sustained similar vehicle damage from multiple bullet strikes. Luckily, no one was injured during the 30 mile chase and subsequent week-long manhunt that ensued.
TCO McCoy is an example of courage and duty and we would like to honor her for her commitment to the job, her professional and competent handling of a very dangerous situation and her compassion as a member of our family at Chester County E-911. McCenzi McCoy, you are truly appreciated.”
- Tyler Terry and Addrienne Simpson, Chester County E-911, SC