Diverse Computing installed eAgent Client at Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) in order to offer eAgent to agencies throughout the State of Tennessee. Tennessee is an “open state,” which requires its user community to purchase their own user interface software to access criminal justice information.

eAgent Client offers many advantages over the legacy software previously used in Tennessee; most notably, our solution provides automatic updates and modern encryption through the use of AES at the 128-bit level.
In 2014, TBI awarded Diverse Computing a contract for all support and maintenance of the State’s CJIS systems including the Tennessee Information Enforcement Systems (TIES) message switch, Computerized Criminal History (CCH), and the Sex Offender Registry (SOR).
Kyle Whaley, Customer Support Manager, thoroughly enjoyed the implementation process. “Every step of this has been fun," he said. "Our customers are engaged and have some great ideas that drive development.”
eAgent products deployed include:
NCIC Access for Desktops, Mobile Data Terminals, Handheld Devices and Web
Advanced Authentication
VPN Connection
Message Switch
Read more about our partnerships over at our Major Projects page.