"2021 was a year that my Communications Officers faced trials that our department has never faced before. Following a year of protests Covid provided blow after blow. There is not one of our division that was not touched by Covid in one way or another. We all had to cover overtime as other departments had to cover for those in quarantine. Toward the end of the year it seemed that we were about to come out of the worst part. Plans were being made for the new year and everyone was pretty much done with 2021. However, 2021 wasn't finished with us. In December one of our own suffered a tragic injury. There was a time that we all seemed to be in automatic pilot. But over time the strength and determination of our division proved what the thin gold line really is about. As the supervisor of this wonderful team I can only say thank you to each of my team members. Thank you for inspiring me. Thank you for supporting each other. Thank you for all that you do each and everyday. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"