Message Switch
The Metropolitan State Police Department (MPD) of Washington, D.C. contracted with Diverse Computing to replace their previous message switch system that had poor stability and wasn’t NCIC 2000 and III compliant. Over a multi-year period, Diverse Computing has implemented an up-to-date message switch system and NCIC access software for their officers. All of these eAgent solutions resolved the system stability issues and got MPD compliant with the security mandates. We continue to provide maintenance and emergency support for these systems.
eAgent Products Deployed:
NCIC Access for Desktops and Web
Message Switch
Justice XML Interface
Another project with DC-MPD that we are proud to have implemented is the registered owner request system (RORS). DC-MPD has multiple traffic cameras that photograph license plates from cars running red lights. Previously, license plate numbers and states were identified and then sent for processing in order to determine registered owners. DC-MPD was charged a fee for each processed plate. DC-MPD contracted Diverse Computing to use a batch file containing license numbers and states to electronically send registration look-ups to Nlets. Using our eAgent JXI, registered owners’ names and addresses are now automatically parsed so the ticket can be mailed, thus avoiding any processing fees.
"Using our eAgent JXI, registered owners’ names and addresses are now automatically parsed so the ticket can be mailed, thus avoiding any processing fees."
"This project was one of the highlights I will remember," said Kyle Whaley, Customer Support Manager. "Being in the heart of the nation's capital and meeting members of local and federal law enforcement was something few people can say they have done."
Medical Marijuana Data Interface
Our third project with DC-MPD was creating a medical marijuana data interface. When Washington D.C. became a medical marijuana state, DC-MPD partnered with the Department of Health to implement a web service interface to transfer medical marijuana prescription information within the district. Diverse Computing delivered system changes to the applications in order to support an interface for medical marijuana prescription data as well as photographs of the prescription holders. Officers now have a secondary check to validate medical marijuana prescription cards as well as the identity of the prescription holder.
We are proud of all of our projects with DC-MPD and look forward to working with them more in the future.
Read more about our partnerships over at our Major Projects page.